Big Data

For Better Hearts


Did Generics for CVD Kill R&D?

20 July 2021, 15.30-16.30 CET

The treatment of cardiovascular disease can, in many ways, be seen as a success story. With lipid lowering statins now widely available, the treatment of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other common heart conditions that used to kill many people is now both cheap and effective.

However, this poses a challenge: how do you develop new therapies harnessing genomics and proteomics when effective lipid lowering drugs are now almost free? As we’ve seen in several recent cases, monoclonal antibodies that are significantly more effective than available generics in treating high cholesterol have been marketing failures.

In this webinar, IMI project BigData@Heart researchers will discuss how they are attempting to address this problem by harnessing large datasets to identify druggable targets that have both efficacy and market potential.






Dr Adam Butterworth 

Associated researcher

Department of Public Health and Primary Care

University of Cambridge

Dr Jessica van Setten 

Assistant professor

Department of Cardiology, Division Heart and Lungs

University Medical Center Utrecht


Duane Schulthess

Managing Director

Vital Transformation


Dr Floriaan Schmidt 

Senior Research Fellow  

Institute of Cardiovascular Science

University College London