Big Data

For Better Hearts


BigData@Heart webinar: European differences in heart failure registries

19 May 2021, 17.30-18.30 CET

How can industry, academic researchers, and clinicians advance treatment options for heart failure (HF) in the European region, where cross-country differences in care delivery systems, access to innovative treatments, and clinical trial availability may mean variations in medical management of patients with otherwise similar characteristics?
To answer some of these questions, BigData@Heart’s webinar “European differences in heart failure registries” will discuss how the insights obtained from two HF registries – one international and one European – inform the path forward in terms of optimal treatment options for HF patients in Europe.






Stefan Koudstaal
Assistant Professor, Division of Heart and Lungirector of Epidemiology
University Medical Center Utrecht​ 

Alicia Uijl
Assistant Professor of Cardiovascular Epidemiology
University Medical Center Utrecht 

Gergana Koleva
Project Manager
Vital Transformation, (Moderator)

Rachel Studer
Head of Real-World Evidence
Novartis Pharma