Big Data

For Better Hearts


BigData@Heart Stakeholder Meeting

BigData@Heart In-Person Stakeholder Meeting on October 26th, 2020 

The BigData@Heart in-person stakeholder meeting, which will take place on October 26th 2020 (10:30-16:00 CET) at the European Society of Cardiology in Brussels, will gather together regulators, journal editors, representatives from industry, payers, funders, patients and cardiology professionals within the ESC to guide future research and clinical decision support by raising awareness of current limitations and providing a framework for best practice approaches.

Following on from the on-line event about coding on July 7th, the in-person meeting will expand to the social licence needed to use real world data for clinical trials, guidelines, and regulatory purposes. It will also cover ethic, privacy, and the patient perspective, as well as algorithms and the black box phenomenon.

Published on: 07/30/2020